Many veterinarians believe that spaying or neutering not only helps solve the serious problem of unwanted pet overpopulation but also makes for friendlier, easier-to-live-with pets. Spayed female dogs are more relaxed, while neutered males are less likely to roam, urine-mark their territory, or fight with other males. Plus, sterilization has health benefits.

Your new puppy should visit as soon as possible. This first health check will give your veterinarian the information he needs to advise you on your puppy’s immediate diet and care. Plus, it will give him a “knowledge base” from which, on subsequent checkups throughout your pup’s life, he can better evaluate, monitor and manage your pet’s health. DR Pet MD is your one stop shop for everything pets!

A new dog flu vaccine—the first of its kind—has been approved for use in the US. Canine Influenza Vaccine, H3N8 from Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health has been clinically proven to significantly reduce the severity and duration of canine influenza. The initial vaccination requires 2 doses, 2–4 weeks apart, followed by annual revaccination. DR PET MD is here to help!

Your new kitten should visit us as soon as possible. The first visit will probably include: Thorough physical examination to determine his or her state of health, Check for external parasites (fleas, ticks, lice, ear mites), Check for internal parasites (tapeworm, roundworm, etc.), if you can bring a stool sample for analysis, Initial vaccination and/or a discussion of the types of vaccinations your kitten needs and when they should be scheduled.