We’ve partnered with Dr. Pet MD- Astoria and thousands of other vets to deliver affordable pet care to tens of thousands of pet parents. With instant approvals and plans as low as 0% APR, difficult financial decisions don’t have to be difficult.
Click HERE or on the button below to apply for this incredible discounted service.
Lastly, from time to time we support, sponsor and even host many events such as charities, dog walk-a-thons and adoption fairs. You can check in here for any events we may be having!

We are now affiliated with Friends of Animals. Click here to visit our new friends!


You must bring an estimate provided to you from your veterinarian along with medical records.
They can provide this to you by printing or e-mailing everything to you. Diagnostics are required
in order to perform any surgery (x-rays, bloodwork). If diagnostics were done with your
veterinarian, for emergency surgeries, blood work and x-rays cannot be older than 3 days or we
must re-run them at our hospital. This is to make sure any values in the bloodwork have not
drastically changed, making it dangerous to perform surgery. For x-rays, we can verify there is
no internal bleeding present, and/or confirm the pet does need surgery and helps avoid an
unnecessary dangerous surgery. For non-emergency, diagnostics cannot be older than 1
month. This is protocol across all veterinary surgery practices. Your pet’s health and safety is
our top priority. Some surgeries require hospitalization especially if your pets blood work values
are at concerning levels. If your veterinarian did not include hospitalization in the estimate, we
will work with you to keep everything on budget. If we recommend anything that is not in your
estimate, we will work with you as best as we can.
As standard protocol, we must perform an exam first before approving the surgery. Once
approved, we will give you an estimate that is guaranteed to beat the current estimate you have.
If surgery is approved and you conclude to have the surgery done with us, there will be no exam
fee. If we approve and you do not schedule the surgery at the time of appointment, it will be a
full exam fee of $72. If we do not approve, there will be no exam fee. We only perform surgeries
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Drop-off must be at 9am. A deposit of half of our estimate
will be required to book the surgery.
We do not work directly with pet insurance companies. You must pay us up-front at pick-up, we
print your invoice, receipt and medical records, and you must send all of the information to your
insurance company. If they approve, they will reimburse you directly.
We do not accept estimates from government-assisted veterinarian clinics such as “low-cost”
clinics, or any rescues such as ASPCA, etc.
Surgeries we perform here at Dr. PetMD are listed in the flyer above.
If you have any questions, please call or click HERE.