10 Reasons to adopt a senior dog
There are many many reasons to adopt a senior dog, most of which you are probably unaware of! Before you take a new pup home, take a quick look at this article and consider taking home a senior dog instead.
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Dr Pet Md Website

How do you get rid of cat allergies?
Cat allergies are not only common but can be dangerous and even shorten your lifespan! Living with cat allergies doesn’t need to be a debilitating reality you simply live with while owning a pet, there are many things you can do to lessen the impact of allergens in your home.
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Dr Pet Md Website

How to train a dog not to jump on you
But he just wants to say hi! Jumping on people can be embarrassing, traumatizing and even dangerous. Learn the basics here on how to stop your dog from jumping on you and on others. You are not stuck with a jumping dog, you can do something about it today!
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Dr Pet Md Website